M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Kamakazi Typewriter ... January 27, 2005

last night i broke into my friend adam's room in the middle of the night. i was sneaking, sneaking, sneaking in the dark. muahahahaha. what kind of malicious intentions did i carry with me?

oh, wouldn't you like to know?

the heavy case dangling at the end of my arm...is it a bomb? perhaps a cage full of rabid ferrets? holding back my glee at the strangeness of my position, i stealthily deposit my package on the floor near the head of his bed. what is it that i am leaving for my unlucky friend to discover in the morning? what object's expected discovery is forcing me to giggle into my hand as i tiptoe beside the rising and falling form of my obliviously sleeping friend? why, it's the ugliest lime green antique typewriter you ever saw.

something tells me only i will find this funny in the least.

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