M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Meth-Mouth ... February 10, 2006

how does one get meth-mouth without ever having touched a single particle of meth? the dentist told my father his mouth is aweful meth-mouthy. he told him that one of the biggest medical expenses in prisons these days is all the dental work that the former meth addicts need to keep their teeth from rotting out of their heads. all those addict's half dissolved teeth are breaking so many prison's medical care budgets and making it hard for the prison docs to treat more serious illnesses. he said my father's teeth are showing signs of a-typical meth-mouth. i wonder if he's been grinding his teeth in his sleep. that's part of what causes meth-mouth, they say, that together with the nasty chemicals in meth that, with just a few years of heavy use, can make your teeth crumbly as chalk.

i've caught myself a' grindin a few times, too. i sometimes wonder if there are many, many more times when i am grinding and sanding and polishing away my molars and i DON'T wake up and stop. i need one of those mouth things that athletes wear to keep their teeth from getting knocked out. i would rather just grind them down to nubs, though, than suffer through the dreams that having one of those rubbery tasting, drool enducing torture devices would cause. they say that grinding your teeth in your sleep is often an indicator of bottled emotion, of mental illness. ah. mental illness. aching teeth. aching flesh. growling stomach. brain screaming, unheard, from inside a self defence mechanism so thick and tough, i wouldn't be surprized if it could survive a nuclear holocaust. 10,000 years after they drop the bomb, a scientist will be digging up my poor, fosilized ego, encased in a mysteriously hard substance he will later find to be human scar tissue. and here i am, settling down for the long, deep sleep of the defeated soul. i have almost my whole life ahead of me to look forward to dying. at some point, just like my father before me, some dentist is going to be peering into my mouth and down the back of my throat. he's going to look at me suspiciously and tell me i have meth-mouth. great. super. other people get meth-mouth, too, you know, but at least they also got to actually do the meth.

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