M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Blown Up ... June 12, 2004

so i went out again. walked around, the cops tailing me to see if i was a prostitute or something. went to the village after the night's festivities. i love the smell that a crowd leaves. when i catch the scent, it's almost as if i can hear them. shouting, having the time of their lives. i wished so badly that i could partake in such things. i pretty much despise the human race, but i am still one of them. i am still a social creature even though i can't hardly stand them most of the time. damn my nature.

so i walked from there to the fountain in front of the library and sat. with the sound of water roaring in my ears, i practiced the song i wrote a couple weeks ago. it really cleared my head.

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