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Bleep Bleep I Cant Sleep ... July 16, 2004

proof i am on diaryland way too fucking much : i am so sleep deprived right now i am having trouble remembering how to spell words, but i can remember my diaryland password with ease.

so let's see what do i want to talk about? (mind reels, reality slips for a moment...no...it's back again...okay...so...) i'm using a JTHM book as a mousepad that way he can't escape into my poor insane head and make me do things again. no really it's because i was looking up Noodle Boy quotes for a guy i was hoping to convert to JTHM-ism. don't know what the acronym JTHM stands for, you say? that's because you smell. who is Noodle Boy? well...if you don't know that it's because there are weasels in your pants! hurry now! get them out!

what was i talking about?

right. melon ballers. they disturb me. you want to know why? no? too bad. you will now be forcibly indoctrinated! (it's best just not to struggle. it'll all be over soon. probably when i lose interest and go wandering off like a lost drunk.)

ummm...i'm hungry. so i forgot what i was about to force down your throat. but trust me, it wasn't pleasant.

i think i have totally lost it.

needs sleep, but sleep eludes me for the fourth night in a row.

whoever invented insomnia, i am gonna kill him. that's right, god, you hear that? you're on my hit-list.


so i tried with all my black little heart to get some sleep. i woke up after an hour and a half. i feel oddly rested but i know it's only because i got more sleep right there than i have for most of the week. then i woke up and spent ten dollars too much at the grocery store...no DXM for me...I NEEDED FOOD! then i came home and sliced up my pinkie toe on a glass shard that lay in waiting on my bedroom floor. shit. there is blood everywhere. it won't stop coming. but at least now i have caffiene so i can stay conscious enough to tend my wounds properly. that's the thing about severe insomnia. you're not awake. you're not asleep. you're just in between. like being caught in a current in the middle of a river full of polluted water. you can't escape, and it's slowly poisoning you.

blood blood blood. (household cleaning tip : if you find that you have an uninvited guest who won't take the hint and GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR HOUSE, repeatedly chanting "blood, blood, blood" at them will usually do the trick.)

my poor toe.

let's try some fun autohypnosis techniques. time to insomnia-clean my room, moving to the rhythem of my own psycho-babble. very theraputic.

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