M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

The Septic Tank Analogy ... July 18, 2004

time for another manic-depressive entry by ME, mystictaco, the mystic-est taco in the land. you ready?


i am feeling decidedly cheerleadery today. think it's a symptom of the complete and utter lack of sleep. okay, i lie. the night before last i did get maybe three hours in before i woke up disoriented. but i don't think it really counts considering the number of days before and after that i was living on less than an hour per night. no reason to do this, by the way, i just CAN NOT sleep.

this lack of sleep thing is compromising my IQ, i think. in fact, if my calculations are correct, i dipped below the 60 mark this morning at sunrise. by my estimates, the average cheerleader's IQ is 57 points, so i know i am nearing the stage where i may feel the urge to go shout encouraging things at jocks and jiggle my booty for the drunky sports fans. sounds like a dream job right now. a goal to aspire to in my life. to be a temporary object of lust! to perhaps even feature in some beer-soaked moron's wet dream! wow. what an honor.

you know what my biggest problem with not sleeping is? when i sleep, i have a long enough period of unconsciousness each day that i don't have time to think my way to all these bad memories or come to such conclusions. as this insomnia wears on, i feel myself discovering (real or imagined, i don't know) terrible things locked away in my head. things that, if they are real, i had purposefully hidden away deep in my psyche in a place where it was unlikely i'd ever find them again. but now, because i can't "flush" my brain each night, i am basically starting to overflow with mental-shit much in the same way an overful septic tank might do.

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