M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Snakes ... October 26, 2004

have you ever stared a real snake straight in the face? i have. of course, it was someone's pet so there was no need to fear it attacking me, but the thrill was still there. those cool and suprisingly dry scales sliding over my hands, that neverending neck curving up to align those bottomless midnight eyes with my own. it felt like she was reading my soul, sampling me in order to see if i was edible. i remember the knowledge that she wouldn't bite slipping, melting instantly into a soupy mess of instinctual fear. we both felt it. her muscle lined body tensed up in synch with my own. it was the clearest connection i had ever had with an animal. it was obvious what she was telling me.

she said, "i could kill you. but i won't. not now."

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