M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

He Says, She Lists ... March 10, 2006

curt says, i am a distraction from his work
curt says, i annoy him
curt says, he's going somewhere, going to be upper class and I, on the otherhand, am not
curt says, what he learned from me was that you have to be tenacious

i say, what i learned from curt was that you simply shouldn't give to people. they're too worried about what they owe you. they won't believe you when you tell them the only thing you really want is to keep on giving. they'll cut you off. they'll think themselves superiour to you. they'll forget everything you do for them and dump you on your ass every time.

want the list? here we go.
1. Once there was a boy who had to write a massive paper for a big, end of college test called "comps". He did most of this in a very stressed out, sleep deprived fashion. Once there was a girl who helped him fix all those incomplete sentences and mixed up meanings that were a result of his sleep deprivation, and polish this paper up real nice. And yet, when he got high marks, he totally forgot to thank this girl for her help at all. He didn't even give her a nod, which would have sufficed nicely. Afterall, it's not like she WROTE the thing. Instead, he walked around saying, "Oh boy, I am the greatest."
2. Once, there was a boy who wanted to do something for an organization he was working with. He enlisted a girl to help him create an idea for a website for this organization. Sadly, there was another person in this organization who had a competing idea. The girl created several sample drawings and graphics for the boy to show the higher-ups what she could do. When the big meeting came, the boy didn't show the higer-ups ANY of the work she'd done. He didn't even mention it. It was as if this girl and her work were totally unimportant.
3.Once there was a boy who loved a certain musical group. This same boy, through unfortunate circumstances, ended up with nothing to do for spring break at the last moment. This girl put in much time and effort thinking of and orchestrating a plan to follow this boy's favorite band around for a week. When spring break finally came, the boy ignored this girl through the whole trip. The only reason she was allowed to come at all, it seems, was that she and her picture id were needed to pick up the reserved concert tickets in various locations. At the end of this week, the boy told her he didn't want to see her again.

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