M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Musing In The Dark ... June 22, 2004

i am starting to get a feeling that there is this whole army of kids who act the same, think the same, even smoke the same brand of cigs. i keep meeting more of them everyday, all of them seem to share the same soul. maybe they all look different, yes, but perhaps this is just for cover. it almost feels like we were all manufactured in a secret factory somewhere and released amongst the humans for some sinister purpose. maybe we are all supposed to infiltrate the work force and then facilitate the evil genius who designed us in taking over the world. maybe aliens put us all here as information gathering probes. perhaps our job is to live amongst the humans and learn their ways. maybe i should sleep before the black creature sitting in the corner of my room decides to become real enough to eat me.

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