M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Lamb Cloves And Bad Blood ... June 26, 2004

i suggest you skip all this long winded shit and go do something more productive, like watching TV.

so i went campin with james. after setting up our tent we walked up to the indian burial mounds in mounds state park. we took some pics, of course, in hopes that we would see some ghosties. we hopped the fence, took the pics in the dark, then sat in the middle of the mounds and played a drinking game, read tarot, and talked. we poured some alcohol on the ground and left some cigs as an offering to the indians whose graves we were defiling. they didn't seem to mind. after all, they're probably used to it by now, but it's always good to be safe. i hope they like soco and cloves.

as we walked back to camp in the pitch black at about 2 am, i just had to urge to lay in the middle of the road. so we laid there and talked for a while until a car came to run us down.

at camp we ate a shitload of cold food. (we were too lazy to start the firewood we brought) then we spent the night laughing, throwing marshmallows and chocolate, finishing off the bottle of soco, and playing various card games. we made it interesting, of course, by playing the strip- version of whatever games we played. neither of us knew poker well enough but we both vowed that next time we would play strip-poker. i won a bunch but we both ended up naked in the tent.

once we were both good and toasted, we played truth or dare.

so i found out that james had never even had a blow-job. i already knew he was a virgin, but i was amazed that he'd not even managed to get head at his age. no i wasn't. we spent the whole night in the tent in varying states of nekkedness and he was too embarassed to ask me to touch him. so i just threw things at him and laughed. it was fun.

well, later we came out of the tent once that petered out and the hillbillies that were camping next door started talking to us.

husband : "hey, is you gonna stay another night?"
us : "no, why?"
husband: "good, because if you were, they would find your naked asses dead outside the campground."
wife : "yeah, how is we supposed to function on two fucking hours of sleep! you fucking kept us up, with your sitting over there in your tent doing drugs all night!"

so we packed up quick after that and left camp (yikes!) sheesh, i hate it that people assume i do drugs just because i have dark hair and like dress in black (hey, man, black cloths don't show dirt and are easy to match, okay? i don't want to die, don't hate my parents, nor do i feel the need to seperate myself from culture by dressing in a socially unacceptible manner...just like all those other goths...haha.)

ah well.

so we ended up sleeping till five back at the house and then i took his virginity. good.

later, he let me draw all over his body with a sharpie like i occasionally like to do to people i get neked. several people have told me that i ought to be a tattoo artist. i wouldn't o' course, because i loath the idea of eventually having to tattoo some moron stranger's dirty genitals. i only draw on people that i can verify they bathe regularly and don't have some freaky STD.

anyways, it was a fun weekend.

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