M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Birthday Flashback ... June 18, 2004

feelin like shit right now because the roommates are all talking about what they are gonna do this weekend to celebrate matt's b-day. sheesh. it makes me sad to be left out again. (see entry "You Are NOT Invited") it makes me think about what happened on my 21st b-day.

...oh no, here comes another sad flashbaaaaack...

on my 21st b-day, i was basically homeless, living out of my car 5 days a week. i don't think anyone called me, so i sat alone in the campus library till closing time. the only present i got was some money from my parents. i tasted not a morsel of cake, and the only person who sang Happy Birthday to me, was me. i was too bummed about it to even go to a bar and have a drink by myself, so instead i drank some out of a bottle of cheap gin i kept in the trunk of my car, and went to IHOP to wait out another long night.

in my own sick little way, i'm glad i didn't have the money to help lynne buy the ingredients to make matt's cake. and i'm glad that when lynne baked the cake today, it turned out all lop-sided and funky and the decorative icing got smeared.

now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go "accidentally" break something in the livingroom.

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