M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Animal ... August 23, 2004

i keep dreaming that i am standing in the kitchen at my new job.(i'm a dishwasher at a small restaurant.) in front of me is a sink full of dishes to be washed. everytime i finish the job, the sink refills. the sight of this fills me with terror. it's like being in hell. i am doomed to forever wash dishes, hour after hour, progressivly becoming more and more exhausted, but never being able to stop for a second. even to fall unconscious where i stand is impossible. i wash and wash and wash until finally i am done. oh the relief! maybe this is the last time the sink would refill? but no, and the waves of horror wash over me as more dishes materialize before my eyes. it's hell. real hell. if there is such a place where souls are doomed to eternal damnation, i bet it looks alot like the back room of a small restuarant. fire and brimstone? who needs that shit.

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