M Y S T I C�� T A C O�� S T A N D

Leaving, 1.5 Months to go ... April 03, 2006

i hope you know, i'm never coming back. i'm never coming back. i'm never...ever...coming back. not if i can help it, that is. the only way you're going to get me back to indiana is to kill me and drag my corpse back there. i don't care if james was just kidding and he really doesn't want me to come with him and everyone to alaska, i don't care if i am unwanted wherever i end up. it's no different from here, so why would i let something like that stop me? i really don't care where i go. it's just time to go. i'm going crazy here, at least i can go crazy somewhere where it's pretty. if no matter where i go, people don't want me there, then i am going to go where i want. that's it. fuck you, world.

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